Monday, September 5, 2011


I dragged my son along with me while out and about for some work related tasks... on the way back he suggested hitting some balls at the driving range, not a bad idea BUT I felt I did not have proper foot gear only wearing flip flops my super fly kiddo suggested mini golf so i was like... OK. So off went... he claims he bested me... I say otherwise and since we choose not to use a score card no one will ever no just how bad he lost!  :-)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lights! Camera! Action!

Last night was fun I got to hang with some cool kidz (@darinwarnick, @joshgesler@b3nelson and a few other twitterless facebook friends) and get some fun snaps! I attended the Level Up! Photography Extreme Sports Workshop, where we worked mainly on capturing action shots using different lighting set ups. Without going into to much detail shooting in skate parks if you have not done so can be like walking into the middle of a riot! You have kids of all ages doing all kinds of things and it feels like they are coming at you from all angles... crazy stuff! But once you find the rhythm and watch for the pecking order you can single out kids that have some good stuff going on and see if you can work the area they are in for some shots.

Anyways... I managed to grab a few keepers not break any gear, that's a good night in any photogs book!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sump'in a bit different pa

Had a chance at getting some snaps of a new subject... wakeboarders! Fun times... I found it to be a real treat and nice change of scenery with its own set of challenges to work with namely my limted ability to work different angles. Overall I really liked doing it and was rewarded with some great images.